The Melton Prior Institute provides the basis for an internationally oriented research on the history of reportage drawing. It presently consists of an emerging collection of original drawings, prints and portfolios by relevant artists and on a variety of topics, as well as of an extensive library stressing documentation of graphic reporting in the early stages of pictorial press publishing

The Melton Prior Institute publishes in irregular intervals. Those interested in receiving its newsletter can subscribe to the Institute’s mailing list >mail

All hints, even remotely related to the subject of graphic reportage, are most welcome >mail

The library and the collection of the Institute are open on appointment for all persons seriously interested, if applicable on presentation of their respective research project. >mail

The sketcher sketched:
Mr. Melton Prior sketching
under fire, J. Begg


Pictorial February
Thorsten Streichardt
«Salzburger Fusseln»

New Publication

Alexander Roob
«Auch ich in Verdun
Zu den Ansichten und Zeichnungen
des Kriegsreisenden Goethe»

édition questions Sonderband 4
>more information